There are many ways to get off from match list, some are mentioned below: The incident that placed you on the list ages off after five years (SRP, Rule 11.2.6), You were added to the list by mistake (SRP, Rule 11.4) You were added to the list because of PCI non-compliance but you have now become compliant. If you were added to the list by mistake, you must contact the acquiring bank who put you on the list, and work through them to correct the mistake. Note that it must be a genuine mistake that they’ve made, and, unless you can show the mistake through solid evidence, you’ll probably have a hard time getting things changed. You can do this yourself, of course, but often a high-risk processor can help you. Some of them are experienced in getting people off the MATCH list and, with that experience, probably can tell you right away your odds of getting off the list. you can be taken off the MATCH list is if you were put on the list because you were not PCI compliant but ...