TMF Match List Is Black List


TMF is abbreviated as Terminated Merchant File. It is also known as a match-list in which the black list merchant's name is there. These names are present due to their fraudulent activities. Many of the merchants follow the right path of investment while few of them don't acquire the right way which leads them to certain mishaps in which one of them that their names are black listed. 

Being on the MATCH list is a bit risky. It is much harder for a businessman to run their businesses because being a high-risk merchant's account holder can make transactions more difficult and harder in the future. It is more difficult when it comes to credit card processing privileges. It is the worst thing that can happen to a merchant especially when he is doing online business.

Importance of MATCH or TMF list

MATCH is also known as members alert To control high risk. In this list, a database has been collected of initially terminated merchant's which are created and maintained by MasterCard worldwide.

 The basic purpose of this list is screening and regulations of merchants if they want to keep access to their payment system. This list is purely handled by Mastercard and Visa, Discover, American Express, and all different financial institutions are relying on it. So It is very important to know whether your name is on the list or not.

This is a way basically used by Mastercard of acquiring the banks to screen the potential and right applicants whether either they are high-risk merchants or not.

There is a history of high chargebacks and fraudulent transactions which could be a part of the business practices.

 These activities and practices will be avoided by the merchant If their account has been sealed. All illegal activities will then be encountered. Different types of banks have different thresholds so it is very important for a merchant to look at the basic reason why their names have been put on the match list? 

Banks have the right to remove the merchant's name from the match list when the issues or problems have been resolved. Frequently, violation of laws, rules, and regulations may lead to some of the major problems and the merchant name is at high risk. These violations must be prohibited to remain in the green line.

For more Mastercard Match List


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