FTC stands for federal trade commission. FTC has some specific rules and regulations and it is the responsibility of FTC CID to curb on many things and also prevent lawlessness. FTC CID can have access to a company if any company implicates in any case or frauds.
FTC CID takes further action if any customer and complains would receive. . The informal investigation either ends with no further action or the FTC goes on to conduct a full investigation. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regularly updates its guidelines for endorsements. Every time it does, waves of panic spread across social media, as everyone scrambles to make sure they’re following the new rules.
The settlement addresses the company’s obligations to monitor influencers in more detail than we have seen in past settlements. For example, the company must communicate disclosure obligations to influencers and obtain signed acknowledgements from them. The company must also monitor compliance with its policies and take specific steps to addresses failures.
A FTC CID response is issued by the agency itself but, if ignored, it can be enforced in court. Agencies often send CIDs to get information from parties they think may have violated the law. 
However, the fact that a company receives a FTC CID response does not necessarily mean that it is under investigation. Agencies also send CIDs to obtain information from third parties who are not the subjects of investigation but may have information related to the subjects of ongoing investigations.
The agency generally will disclose the existence of an investigation in response to a request from a law enforcement agency for official law enforcement purposes, which may result in documents provided in response to a FTC CID response being transferred to another federal agency.
A FTC CID can seek documents and/or it can seek the testimony of a company representative. It is important to figure out whether the recipient is the target of the inquiry, identify how much effort it is going to take to respond to the request, and estimate whether the party can meet the timetable requested to comply with the FTC CID



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