How to Check Match List

If you're a merchant, you may have been placed on the Match List, also known as the TMF Match List. This is a list of businesses that are not allowed to process credit card payments through certain processors. If you're on the Match List, it can be difficult to get approved for a merchant account.

There are a few ways to check if you're on the Match List. One way is to contact the processor that you're trying to work with. They may be able to tell you if you're on the Match List and why. You can also check with the TMF (Terminated Merchant File) database. This is a list of businesses that have had their merchant accounts terminated. To check the TMF database.

So What Is the Match List You Ask?

MATCH is the re-branded name of an older blacklist that you may recall called list the Terminated Merchant File. It was developed by Mastercard to help credit card processors recognize if you are high-risk merchants prior to boarding you

What Does Match Mean?

MATCH is an acronym for Merchant Account Terminated High-Risk. The list is administered by Mastercard, and it basically serves as a blacklist of businesses that are not allowed to process payments through certain credit card processors. If you're on the list, it can be difficult to get approved for a merchant account.

How Does MATCH Work?

Unfortunately, there is no one simple answer to this question. If you're on the list, it's because you've been flagged as a high-risk merchant by Mastercard. This could be for a variety of reasons, such as a history of chargebacks, processing too much volume, or having your merchant account terminated by another processor.

If you're on the MATCH list, it's important to find out why. This way, you can take steps to remedy the situation and improve your chances of getting approved for a merchant account in the future.

Why Am I on the Match List?

There are a few reasons why you may have been placed on the MATCH list. One reason could be because you've had a history of chargebacks. Another reason could be because you're processing too much volume, or because your merchant account has been terminated by another processor.

If you're on the MATCH list, it's important to find out why. This way, you can take steps to remedy the situation and improve your chances of getting approved for a merchant account in the future.

If you're having difficulty getting approved for a merchant account, contact us today for a free consultation. We may be able to help you get off of the Match List and onto a processor that fits your business needs.

How Do I Get off the List?

If you're on the Match List, it can be difficult to get approved for a merchant account. However, there are a few things you can do to improve your chances of being approved.

One thing you can do is to find out why you're on the list. This way, you can take steps to remedy the situation and improve your chances of getting approved for a merchant account in the future.

You can also try to work with a processor that specializes in high-risk merchants. These processors may be more likely to approve you for a merchant account, even if you're on the Match List.


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