MATCH List and Terminated Merchant File (TMF)


The TMF or MATCH List is a file maintained by Visa that contains the names and contact information of merchants who have been terminated by their acquirer. The Match List is a corresponding file maintained by MasterCard. Both files are used by card issuers to help prevent fraud by blocking transactions from these merchants.

Why Am I on the MATCH List?

If you are a merchant and you have been terminated by your acquirer, it is likely that you will end up on the MATCH List. Acquirers are required to report terminations to Visa (for the TMF) and MasterCard (for the Match List), and these reports typically happen within 30 days of the termination.

Once you are on the MATCH List, it can be very difficult to get removed. The process for removal is different for each card network, and even if you are successful in getting removed from one file, you may still be listed on the other.

What Are the Consequences of Being on the MATCH List?

Being on the MATCH List can have a number of consequences, all of which can be extremely detrimental to your business. First and foremost, it will likely become very difficult to get approved for a merchant account. This is because acquirers are required to check the TMF/Match List before approving a new merchant, and most will not approve a merchant who is on the list.

Furthermore, even if you are able to get approved for a merchant account, your account may be terminated at any time if the acquirer finds out that you are on the TMF/Match List. And, even if your account is not terminated, you may still face higher fees and other restrictions.

How Do I Get off the MATCH List?

The process for getting off the MATCH List is different for each card network, and it can be very difficult to do. For Visa, you will need to contact your acquirer and request that they file a petition on your behalf. The petition must include supporting documentation showing that you have taken steps to correct the issues that led to your termination.

For MasterCard, you will need to contact the Matching Program Administrator and request an application for reinstatement. The process is similar to Visa in that you will need to provide documentation showing that you have taken steps to correct the issues that led to your termination.

How Can I Avoid Being on the MATCH List?

an experienced payment processing consultant can increase your chances of success in getting off the MATCH List. These consultants can help you navigate the process and make sure that your documentation is in order. They can also help you find a new acquirer if your current one is unwilling to work with you.

If you are a merchant and you have been terminated by your acquirer, it is likely that you will end up on the MATCH List. Acquirers are required to report terminations to Visa (for the TMF) and MasterCard (for the Match List), and these reports typically happen within 30 days of the termination.


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