How Do I Get Off The Match List


How do I get off from the match list? is depend on the reason code

The Match list is filled with the names of merchants whose files are terminated and the reason behind the termination of the file is matched with the reason codes of the Mastercard match list. The Match list has 14 reason codes that are the activities and if any merchant has done something that matches with the code then it means you will now add it to the list. There is also a chance that you could not be done anything wrong that brings you to the match list and if you find that you are on the list then don’t worry because Mastercard does not verify the accuracy of the information. If you are on the list because of inaccurate information then just take a deep breath because by providing the evidence you will be free from the list. Another reason that takes several merchants in the list because of excessive chargebacks than don’t be worry so much because by paying your chargebacks and requesting to you accruing banks you will be getting off from the match list. 

How do I get off from the match list if have done something fraudulent?

There are the activities such as money laundering, fraud they are illegal activities. If you have done something that is illegal then simple and the one-word answer to the question how do I get off from the match list? answer is. Difficult. Yes, it is difficult to get off your name from the match list if you have done something illegal and your name will be on the list for five years. The magical formula to get off from the list for fraudulent activities is that stay away from the illegal or fraudulent activities. 

What can you do if you are for receiving the payments remaining on the list?

There are some methods that you can use to process your payments. These methods are 

o   Cash

o   Person to Person or wallet Apps

o   Zelle

o   E-checks

The best thing is to stay away from the match list because it is the list that affects your business name in the market and if you find that you are on the list. Try to find out the reason because your strategy to get off from the match list is depends on the reason.


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