KEYWORD: GETTING OFF THE MATCH LIST What is a match list? The MATCH list is maintained by MasterCard to keep track of businesses and owners who have had their credit card processing account terminated by an acquiring bank. It is very similar to the Terminated Merchant File, an older system that is falling out of favor and being replaced by MATCH . When a bank is considering whether to accept you for a merchant account, its team will check MATCH to see if your business entity, you or anyone else associated with your business in on it. If you, your business or a partner are in the system, there is a good chance you will be denied. You can think of the system as being something of a blacklist used by banks to mitigate risk. Being on the list is not a guarantee that you won’t be approved. The acquiring bank can contact the bank that terminated you to learn the reasoning behind the decision. Depending on the details of the case and the new bank’s risk tolerance, you may still be acc...
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