How to Get Off the TMF Match List: A Lifeline for Struggling Merchants

The TMF Match List (formerly the TMF or Terminated Merchant File) can be a nightmare for merchants. If your business finds its way onto this list, it can spell disaster. We'll guide you through how to get off TMF Match List and provide valuable insights on this complex issue. Understanding the TMF Match List and Its Impact The TMF Match List, now known as the MATCH (Merchant Alert To Control High Risk) List, is a compilation of merchants considered high risk by Mastercard. While excessive chargebacks are a common reason for inclusion, other factors such as bankruptcy, brand standard violations, or fraud can also land you on this list. The problem is that many businesses may not receive official notification if added, leading to issues when securing a new merchant account. The Complexity of Removing Your Name Getting your business off the TMF Match List can be a daunting task. Waiting for your name to be removed takes a painstaking five years, which can have a crippling effect on ...